Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Learn local language...

  As June 1st is fast approaching, I see so many parents anxious about their kids schools. Some parents want online classes because they say kids are already spending more time on mobile and computer why can't they spend the same time on classes. Other parents who have successfully managed to keep the kids away from gadgets, don't want any classes online. I agree to this. 
         Government is also ensuring not to burden children, parents or schools in this regard. They keep sending notices and sharing messages on social media. Especially in Karnataka, I really appreciate the Government efforts in managing the education system well. They have been trying their best to avoid unnecessary tensions. They have been doing this efficiently since mid March when one case made the entire state to close preprimary and primary schools.
           The most pitiest part that I see during all these days and which made me to pen down my views is that parents don't understand the notice given by Government as it's in Kannada. These many days it was very easy to manage everything in Karnataka without Kannada as we didn't have any direct relations with Govt news or there notices. Now I see everyone requesting others to translate it to English. Some go to the extent of blaming the Govt that they are not printing the notice in English.
            Have we tried ourself to learn the local language by any means. We had ample time during this lockdown period. Many are already staying in Karnataka for more than 5 years atleast.
              If not for speaking atleast learn the language to an extent that you can understand it. It will only make you more prepared during these untoward situations. Take help from your kids. They can teach you better. There are many apps available too.
              Utilise your time positively and don't worry about your kids education. Kids learn easily and can adapt to these changes easily. I am saying this with my experience as a teacher.

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